Ziquienda! (the chichewa whats up)
Hi friends! This will probably be my last update but go ahead and check next Saturday just in case!
Yesterday was our last official day of ministry. It was hard for sure but they were all good, healthy goodbyes! We had a little party with the widows in the morning at Mtsiliza. We made cookies for all of the ladies. We had a blast making them, it was a little taste of home. Despite all the African cookie making setbacks they were actually really good! Oatmeal raisen and chocolate chip with no chocolate chips... mmmm! The women worked on our projects for a while, ate a ton of cookies and then we sang and danced together! They asked us to sing for them and taught us some sweet african moves. The goodbyes were happy filled with kisses, hugs and thank yous... and some other things in chichewa that we didnt understand but were clearly good wishes!
In the afternoon we had a goodbye party in the village called Mguyie which is behind our compound. After word got around that there were going to be treats hundreds of kids showed up. We played some games and split them into smaller groups. From there they received half an orange, some buiscits and sobo (kind of like tang... i hope that makes you smile jon pray). The kids were obviously stoked and quite greatful. They met me bowing or received their sobo on their knees to show respect. Precious. Precious I tell you. After a few more games and lots of hugs we were back to the compound which is about a 3 minute walk away.
Last night about ten of the oldest girls from Chitipi, one of COTN residential care homes, came to Njewa (our compound) for a sleep over. It was SO fun! We bought them soda, cookies and chocolate (our goal was clearly to make them sick) and watched the cronicles of narnia while we colored and painted nails. Yep, African teenage girls love the same stuff we did! And of course... in true African style and Flood tradition... there was dancing.
Speaking of dancing! Last sunday night we had a brii (a fat malawian bbq) with the Flood Malawi crew! That might have possibly been the highlight of my summer! The food was AMAZING! Beyond amazing... there was the most tender meat I have ever tasted! mmmmm mmmm mmmm Really good potato salad, fruit salad soda (a treat here)... ugh... it was just such a good meal. But even better than the food was the company! George, Sean and the rest of the crew were there! It was strange at first how comfortable and Flood like the atmosphere felt. Honestly, I think I had a little culture shock at first. It took some time to let loose and feel comfortable but in no time we were dancing with the Malawians, chatting and shoving our faces. It was a side of Malawi we dont see with COTN. We sang worship together, shared in Floods vision in Malawi and laughed and laughed. It felt like home. God is good!
Monday we leave for safari! I cant wait! Weve heard the raves from the short term teams about safari. Apparently you wake up before sunset, board the jeeps and take off. Thats when the most action happens, watch animals and stop for tea. The afternoons are time to relax and sleep because before sunset you take off again... stop for tea and return to the lodge for dinner at about 9pm. Im so excited!
After safari we start debreifing. It will be a time of individual and group reflection and prep for home. They assure us returning home will take a lot of adjusting and that we've acclimated here. Even things as simple as wearing jeans or seeing girls in shorts throws us for a little loop... we'll see what it's like returning to sunny san diego at the height of beach season! haha.
I have learned a lot this summer... most of which I probably wont realize until Ive been home for a while. Something huge Ive seen first hand is the reality of spiritual warfare... I know I sound crazy but it's true. We have nothing but halloween to compare it to but you see and experience the reality of evil spirits here. They are engrained in the culture and passed down in family lines. There is a lot behind this... Id love to talk to you about it some time and I might blog about it when Im home but its for sure something huge Ive learned. The devil is real... as real as our God. Good thing God has already won the battle and is ultimatly stronger! But we shouldnt underestimate the devils power... that's how he fools us is making us think he's not real... just a though. God's big! Horray!
Malawi is called the warm heart of Africa. Come here for a day and you'll see why. They are by far the most welcoming, tender hearted people I have ever encountered. I have learned hospitality and selflessness from the interns I work with, the people we encounter and mostly the women in the widows ministry. The widows have also taught me what it means to work hard, fight for your family and perservere. I love those ladies.
I am also greatful for the exposure I have had to the realities of long term missions work. I have seen the impact of short term teams and experiences many of them. Ive done the work of longer term missions and understand more what that looks like. I am not sure if that's where I am called but if I am I will have a better understanding of what I would get myself into.
We fly home a week from this sunday, the 19th in the morning. We will arrive in LA monday the 20th at about 1pm. It will take forever to get out of the airport but our first stop will be in & out. Ill get a number two, no onion with pickle, barqs rootbeer and a neopolitin milkshake. Ill meet my sweet roommates (whom i miss like CRAZY) in north county san diego and they will humbly drive my sick butt (from in & out overload) home to our new house! YAY! My phone has been off over the summer but it will be on again the morning of the 20th. feel free to call... if im sleeping or dont want to talk I just wont answer or ill turn it on silent :) I cherish my time in Malawi but I cant wait to be home! To be clean, to have quiet, to drive myself places, to eat what i want when i want, to be with people who know me deeply and to talk to my family... finally!
Im praying for a safe, easy journey home and that I will have time to rest and a job upon my return. There are some good possibilities but I'm praying God will open doors for me where He wants me. Also I'm praying for an easy transition back into American culture and little culture shock.
Thank you guys for your support, love and prayers! You're the best! Im done here and headed back! I love you guys!
BIG PS! Congrats Carly and Jon! I saw little Cameron! He's precious! Tell Mac P says hi and I love her! I cant wait to see you guys and meet Cameron!