Tuesday, December 30, 2008
San Diaaagoooo!
I know you're all thrilled with this update- if I would have thought of it I would have uploaded some of the pictures weve taken in the last few days while I was waiting for Andy to pick me up... to little too late :) the three of you would read my blog will just have to wait. Sorry.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Tahoe!
This is me and the Shipley girls on a tube train! woo woo!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
to make up for lost time

I visited Lindsay in the Bay area! We hung out with Nonnie and went to Half Moon bay for pumpkins! Then I turned 23.
I got new cousins! My Aunt Jayne adopted two sweet sweet little ones. They're actually related somehow (my gramas cousins somethings great grand kids or something) but now they're just my cousins! Koa is 4 and D'Lila is 3. They are crazy cute and so fun! Love em!
Last but not least here are my girls! Brooke is 7 and Delaney is 4. The first picture is more recent and post Laneys attempt to cut her own bangs. They are adorable girls with hearts of gold! I am so so blessed to be with their family and fall more in love with these little monsters every day I'm with them.
That's all for now! I'll try to post more often so they don't have to be so long!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
thanks giving
The Word. Bridgeway. My family. Coffee shops. Deep conversations. Pumpkin spice lattes and carmel apple cider. Study dates. Flood. Malawi. Mission trips. Rain. Eddie and my hip hop class. Dancing. Singing. Mrs. Leighton. The Barkleys, my nanny fam. Sherilyn Smith. High schoolers and little kids. Coloring. Mountain Dew when I need a kick in the pants. Quality leadership. Naps. The beach. Cell phones (sometimes). Clean water. Bobby pins. Janna, the girl who does my hair. Ruby Tovar. Jeremiah Kim. The Prays. Lindsay. Drill team. Vacations. Laughing. Freedom. Nice people. Shannon. Adam and Corrie Klekowski. Kelly and Cameron Perry. Reunions. Justice. Dan Hoffman. Old and new friends. Heaters. The Bal's. The Battenfields. The military. Cozy sweatshirts. College. Spanish. Al and Rosa. Slippers. Beds. Girls. My mom. Cleaning. Puppies.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I'm pretty sure no one checks this anymore but I got tagged! I've also heard a few feisty comments from Mr. Jon Pray about my lack on blogging... so Pray family, this one's for you!
1. This one doesn't follow the rules because it's quite obvious, considering my last post was in June. I'm a horrible blogger. I check everyone elses blogs ALL the time... even people I don't know's blogs. Confession: I'm a blog lurker. Heck, I even check Ross the intern's blog... you know, the guy from whatever that late night show is. I love it, I want to be his friend. Heck I want to be everyone's friend.
2. I love and I mean l-o-v-e taco bell. Go ahead, tell me it's cat food, dog meat, I've heard it all but I don't even care! If it is... then bring on the cat food! And squeeze on some extra soupy cheese! I could eat it multiple times a week (and my first year or two in college I did). There isn't one thing on the menu I don't like. Quesadillas, nachos, tacos, Mexican pizzas, gorditas, burritos... love em all. Im kinda hungry.
3. I am a closet hip-hop dancer. Since my first year in college (minus a few year hiatus for San Diego) I've taken a hip-hop class at my gym. It's my favorite. The teacher is hilarious and so much fun and there's nothing like letting your inner back-up dancer out. The people watching on the cardio machines probably laugh at me but who stinkin cares?! I'd like to think that as long as I've danced I've learned enough to make me not look totally ridiculous but I feel slightly cool. Every once in a while someone I know will be working out during the class and realize I'm in there and be bold enough to say something. They're always surprised. I'm lucky if it's someone from church... those are always the most entertaining ones. Give it try one time, just drop it like it's hot. See what happens!
4. I am a HUGE KCRA news fan... and I mean huge! I feel like (or at least like to pretend) I know all the people on there! I was seriously sad when I heard Dave and Lois were retiring, they've been on my whole life! Del Rogers, or who my mom and I affectionately call, Pumpkin Head, worked all the high school football games (which if you knew me in high school was a huge part of my life). I have a serious passion for my favorite meteorologist mr. mark finan. I don't care if he's balding. I've loved him in a weird, Doppler radar kind of way, since I was like 7.
5. I like to rollerblade. That's right. I said it. Go ahead, make fun. Yes it was cool in the 90's and isn't anymore. I'm ok with that. People who live in San Diego don't even really believe me when I say this but it's kind of cool there. People rollerblade on the boardwalk! You just don't notice them because rollerblading ISN'T that weird! My roomie from SD, Brittni and I used to rollerblade from PB to Mission beach on Sunday dates and it was totally cool. Think what you may, I rollerblade.
6. I go CRAZY when people (which is most people in the greater Sacramento area) don't know how to merge! I mean seriously... it will happen naturally if you a. don't come to a complete stop in the merging lane b. don't freak out when i am merging and slam on your brakes when im coming. AND if you do slam on your breaks don't get mad at ME! You're the idiot driver who doesn't know how to let me merge! You're the brake-slammer! Not me! i mean really it's not a hard concept... just make a little tiny bit of room and let me do my thing. People in Southern California get it. They have to. Here it's like the end of the world and no one knows what to do. It's just merging.
ooooh... sorry to end on a sour note.
here are my tags...
oh wait. i'm the last one to do it.
i'll re-tag people?
and I'll try to blog more. sorry bloggy friends.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Ops I forgot!
Update Update Update!

The Flood team got to attend this years African Bible College graduation where our Pastor, Matt "P Matt" was the speaker! Yay! Here is Chikondi, she interned at Mtsiliza with us getting ready to walk! So exciting!Thomasin "Tamsen" lived with us last summer and she was the Valedictorian! Go Tam!
Here are some of the widows we worked with last summer when they saw Ruby and Jeremiah. They said they went CRAZY as you can see by their faces! They were dancing, singing, chanting and crying! Oh to live with that kind of passion for people...

Ruby and Jmaih got to see Miriam and Chance too! They are engaged and will get married next year. Miriam graduated from ABC last year and worked with us at Njewa and Chance has graduated from ABC too and spent last summer working in Uganda. He is now helping to run the Njewa site and work in Lilongwe. The girls doing the internship this summer will get to spent lots of time with him! They're awesome!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Good Dinner Better Friends

Food. Here we go. Don't be scared. Nsima, the big white blob is pretty much tasteless and feels kind of like playdough. If you're lucky you'll get to taste it at "culture night". You'll also see mini usipa, the tiny whole fish. The rest of the stuff is "relish" there are three kinds on this plate. The cabbage relish (my favorite- cabbage, tomato, oil and onion) is at 12:00, next to that is egg relish and then... well to be quite honest I don't know what the brown one is... it's probably salty though! Yay Rachel!
Here are the widows girls with the widows! Yay! The program is huge so this is just one "class". Chikondi, the girl kneeling furthest to the left is wearing "national wear". Wearing it shows respect and is the nicest dress up outfit Malawians wear. She was wearing it because this was our last day in the village and we had a party. The widows and Funa are all in their chitinges. Please girls, note the babies tied on their backs.
This is Jeremiah, wearing his teaching gear with Thoko, the little boy he told you about tonight. He's precious. Jeremiah made him a tie out of the scraps from the widows so they could match. Heart warming, really.
Here is church wear! There are many important things in this picture... 1. notice Jeremiahs tie. The cool guys in Malawi wear their ties short like that... who knows why. When in Rome... 2. The girl on the left is Monica- she started the widows program and Rachel, she's from Folsom! Woot Woot! Nor Cal! Church attire might be different if you guys go to Flood Malawi but this is a safe bet you'll always have your jeans if Flood Malawi is more casual.
This is Ruby's, Kelsey's, Angie's and my closet. We each took two shelves, one for clothes and one for stuff. There were shelves in the bathroom for that stuff. Ruby brought a ton of clothes but this is pretty much all we each brought- pretty simple. I kept an extra pillow case for dirty clothes under my bed.This is a Sunday after church. Everyone else went to ABC to play soccer but we stayed at the compound to watch movies and do our nails :) Lovely! This is inside where you'll probably live. Bunk beds! Notice the laundry (socks and unmentionables) drying on our beds, the sheets, and mosquito nets.
LAUNDRY! Hand washing with one bucket for everyone! The Malawian girls can teach you how to do it well. We brought the concentrated detergent but you can also bring one for all four of you until you can buy some in town (Malawian detergent is in the yellow bag on the shelf). It's made specifically for hand washing but they both work well. It's up to you! Everything but socks and undeewears go out on the line behind the dorms.
There you go... just to wet your appetites!
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008
The Hardest Easiest Question

Saturday, January 26, 2008
to clarify...
My brother called me tonight, after supressing the urge from 2:30 this morning to call. He read my blog early this morning and was convinced I was engaged (or at least was asked) and had neglected to tell him. Just in case you had the same thought I'd like put you at ease... I'm not :) And! If I were, and you read this blog... you'd probably among the first to know!
I'm off to a goodbye party for my friend Chelsea. She's moving to Australia tomorrow! Crazy! Afterward we might be headed to one of my and my roommates favorite places in San Diego- Incahoots for some good ol line dancing! YEE HAW!
P.S. I went to the bay and walked this morning... if you live in San Diego and haven't walked around the bay- go do it! Its a really nice walk... if you can get over the sound from the freeway ;)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
African Relections, more to come

I absolutely love to talk about Malawi and Africa as a whole. I thrive off questions, good and specific questions. Teaching people about the realities of Africa, poverty and the joy of salvation I experienced there gives me life. My time in Africa was not spiritually filling like my time in Mexico almost always is but it was spiritually real. The reality of death in Africa is so much more vibrant than it is here and that is depressing when you realize so many of the dead had tribal beliefs and were likely unsaved. At the same time the reality of death brings a joy of salvation we aren’t blessed with in North America. When death is real life is real and I long for nothing more in my life than a true sense of reality… I think. Authenticity is what I love and that is what I got.
In one of my pre-Africa journal entries I write, “where you lead, I will follow- scared and excited”. That is still my montra but now I am unsure of the path. In May I knew I was headed to Malawi, confident in God’s lead but now I sit in my beautiful, ridiculous, room temperature house wondering where I’m going. Where ever it is I long for it to be drenched in His presence. I was so afraid that I was called to full time missions then. Now I feel like I’m ready to go- I just am not sure that’s where I’m supposed to go. I sit in limbo wondering. If full time missions is it then God, lets go. It will hurt, it takes time, Malawi taught me many realities of full time missions. If that is my future I’m ready to go. I just long for the go ahead. I feel like I’m sitting stagnant at a fork with two amazing, beautiful and vibrant paths ahead of me. Each filled with much joy, hardship and love. How do I know which one is for me? Are they both for me and God will be wherever I am? Is it like choosing a college? Pray over it, make some pro and con lists, think a little logistically and go? They are just so drastically different- much more different than San Diego State or Sac State. Every single thing would be different. I know that in what seems like no time I will be looking back at this entry and thinking- why was I freaking out. God is good and so is His work in my life. I was headed in the right direction. I trust in that now. I just get stuck in thinking about where I will be looking back from. Will it be a humble shack in Malawi or Mexico as I relax with my missionary husband after spending all my energy loving on the oppressed and sick? Or will it be from my cozy bed in the U.S. as I consider raising a family near my own? Both will be filled with love, passion and energy. That’s how I live but they are night and day. I feel like this is the turning point- I am at the edge of something beautiful, it’s just over the horizon but when will I catch a glimpse of what’s to come?
In another journal entry I ask God to reveal to me the places I run to when I want to hide from God or His calling. Am I hiding? Is that why I can’t decide? I still pray Lord, they my heart is yours first. I used to think I wanted You to have it first because You wouldn’t let it break. That’s not true. You will, for the things that break yours and I continue to pray what I have prayed since high school. Lord, break my heart for the things that break Yours. I desire more than anything to be motivated by what motivates You. I long to make change where you desire to see it. If that motivation comes from a broken heart then bring on the breaking. I want to love how you love and teach what You teach. You are my Master, Healer, Redeemer, Father, Lover, Friend. You are good and faithful. Teach me what I need to learn and may my desire to learn from You never be fully quenched.