Welcome to Amanda's Blog!
to make up for lost time
I thought I'd make it up to the Pray's and my other blog lurkers (those who check my blog and are secretly irritated I don't update it but I don't know they check it so I don't think to update it...) and update you all pictorally (is that a word) on my life since I've moved back to the sac-towney... er. sacramento.

Here we have some of the lovely woman of the FPC high school ministry at HUME LAKE. Laura Lenters, me, Kathryn, Marie and Renee. We sadly missed my dear Cindy Bal. We had a blast, of course! Very few discipline issues, some RAD RAD conersations, crazy games, intsense spirit days and sweet memories made at the lake :) Nothing like Hume. I got to see a lot of the staff I've worked with in the past up there which was SO fun! Both of my old bosses went from newly married and now both have two kids! My old boss Kevin told me I was one of his best workers... totally flattering because I thought he hated me. Yay!

Here is my cabin. All 10 of them :) They were really fun and a great mix of girls! I think my spleen was rupturing as this photo was taken.

I got a fish! This is my precious nephew Noah holding my fish. My mom affectionatly named the new fish Wooden Spoon in rememberance of my old beta, Spatula. Noah liked meeting him and was an excellent help in picking Wooden Spoon out. He's a good fish.

My grama turned 80! We had a real fun birthday party for her during the summer. Swimming. Yummy food. Family and old people.
I visited Lindsay in the Bay area! We hung out with Nonnie and went to Half Moon bay for pumpkins! Then I turned 23.

I got new cousins! My Aunt Jayne adopted two sweet sweet little ones. They're actually related somehow (my gramas cousins somethings great grand kids or something) but now they're just my cousins! Koa is 4 and D'Lila is 3. They are crazy cute and so fun! Love em!

Last but not least here are my girls! Brooke is 7 and Delaney is 4. The first picture is more recent and post Laneys attempt to cut her own bangs. They are adorable girls with hearts of gold! I am so so blessed to be with their family and fall more in love with these little monsters every day I'm with them.
That's all for now! I'll try to post more often so they don't have to be so long!
I like it when you update your blogs.
dang you went blog crazy!! i love it. oh and i love delaney's eyes, so cute. i am trying to picture them singing the golden girls theme song now....
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