It's true! Finals start a week from wednesday! Class is canceled monday which means only five days of classes! Horray! I have two finals on thurday the 10th, an in class memo and an exam in Intro to Counseling. Could be worse! I'm in the midst of two papers- one is pretty short and insignificant but it's taking some time becuase it's research based and the other is supposed to be 20-15 pages and also researched based. Regardless... I'll get there and each day the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!
Also! An old old family friend just found me on myspace! It was so fun to look at her pictures and some what catch up with her.
I got the first big batch of thank you letters and graduation party announcements out! Horray! What a relief!
I got the first big batch of thank you letters and graduation party announcements out! Horray! What a relief!
This our community groups last meeting together for the semester and it's really sad! I have loved serving in the group and watching God bless the ministry!
We're getting a little stressed about the living situation for the summer and next year. We have girls to live with but Dawn (our current roomie) is selling the place we live in and the other girls we want to live with are stuck in their leave til August. It's just silly logistics that God will work out and we'll look back and laugh at how stressed we were about it. Still though some prayer that that works out and that we are calm and smart about it would be great!
I'm going to get to bed so I can be rested for tomorrow!
I love you guys!

These are two of the girls I'll be living with next year! Just so you can put some faces to prayers... this is Brittni and Kara. They've been a huge blessing in my life! They're awesome friends and awesome women of the Lord! Brittni is going to grad school next year at SDSU in speech language pathology and Kara has another semester at State in Statistics. She works for the Padres right now and wants to do stats for baseball! Love them!
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