I hope you all had a great Christmas! Im currently in Sac soaking up time with family and getting to work with my mom! So fun! I've been working in "the field" (of social work) for a few years now on my own but for the first time Im working with my mom! Its kind of wierd but awesome at the same time! We find ourselves telling the girls the same exact thing, responding to something the same and just enjoying our time together. I love my mom.
Before I left San D my precious roomies had a Christmas party at our house! It was so fun! We love love love having friends over and enjoying eachother. Aaaaaand we got to do it with Christmas trees, lights, cocoa, and Christmas carols!
Here's a nice shot of some of us belting out some Christmas carols. Brittni found a sweet feature on our far too expensive cable that has Christmas kareoke. You bet we took full advantage of that!
This is an unrelated but fun picture none the less. It was at Flood's college tacky tinsel Christmas party. Party of the classic san diego tacky Christmas sweater party tradition. My "babies" or bible study girls and I had a blast. Here some of them are looking oh-so-tacky. Love you babies!
My home home church has a rad family Christmas eve service every year. My mom and I went and got to see old friends, sang good carols and partook in one amazingly interactive retelling of the birth of Jesus. Good work Children's Ministries- it was so fun! The was complete with the little ones collecting the offering... or "Jesus' birthday present" if you will. My favorite kid was the one going from pew to pew asking with hands outstretched "do YOU have anything to go to JESUS?" ... scratch that. My favorite kid was the one wandering the isles yelling "SPARE CHANGE... ANYONE HAVE ANY SPARE CHANGE" good job fpc... you're raising those future bell ringers well. I also got to hear Abby Battenfield sing in a little quintent. She did a great job and made this babysitter quite proud. Good job Abs!
I am LOVE LOVE LOVING getting to spend time with Noah! Hes growing SO fast (as they all do... right?) And melts my heart when he calls me "P" and more often than not... "Di di P" We'll see where those names take us. He is a happy, silly boy who is rather adventurous. I cant wait to see him grow up! I love that kid!
Here's a horrible shot of me but a great one of Noah enjoying his Christmas present from yours truely... a sit n spin. He'll probably break something on it... a bone... a table. those are the best toys- arent they?

I just cant resist more Noah shots... here he is getting ready for Christmas eve at Nonnies. So cute.
That's all for now, Carly, Ill try to keep up better! HAPPY NEW YEAR!